Frequently Asked Questions

  • Unlike traditional on-premise phone systems, our hosted VoIP solutions offer unparalleled value that only grows over time.

    With hosted VoIP, you'll never have to worry about outdated hardware or stagnant features. Our cloud-based platform ensures that your communication system is always up-to-date with the latest advancements. Say goodbye to expensive upgrades and cumbersome maintenance - with hosted VoIP, new features are seamlessly rolled out automatically every few months, giving you instant access to enhanced functionality without any hassle.

  • We understand the importance of staying connected, even in challenging circumstances.

    With our advanced monitoring capabilities, your phones are under constant surveillance. In the event of an internet outage, our system springs into action, automatically redirecting calls to alternative destinations. Whether it's another site, an answering service, or a designated group of cell phones, your calls will always find their way to the right person.

    Our proactive approach to continuity ensures that your business remains accessible and responsive, even in the face of unforeseen disruptions.

  • Our phones, mobile app, and web portal are designed with the user in mind, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience every step of the way.

    Transitioning your phone numbers to our system is a breeze. We handle the entire process for you, working directly with your current carrier to seamlessly port your numbers over to our system. Typically, this process takes only 2-4 weeks, minimizing any disruption to your business operations.

    You can trust that your transition to our communication solutions will be smooth and hassle-free. Experience the difference of user-friendly technology that just works.

  • We understand the importance of continuity for your business. That's why we make it easy for you to keep all your existing phone numbers when you switch to our service.

    We handle the entire process of porting your numbers from your current carrier to our system. This seamless transition ensures that you maintain uninterrupted access to all your familiar phone numbers while enjoying the enhanced features and reliability of our telecommunication services.

    With our porting process, you can rest assured that your business will continue to be reachable at the same phone numbers your customers know and trust. Experience the convenience and peace of mind that comes with seamless number portability.